Paintless Dent Repair Training
Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) Training School One-on-One Classes
Start an Exciting New PDR Career
Start offering Paintless Dent Removal at your current body shop
Training begins with a 25+ year veteran certified master PDR technician.

Paul Moore
Owner | Operator | Instructor
- Life long career in the auto body industry since 1980
- Specializing in Paintless Dent Repair since 1995
- Certified Master Craftman
11 full days of extensive training in all areas of the PDR industry
Includes both sheet metal and aluminum
PDR Tools - up to $1,000 of PDR tools on us!
PDR Tools are changing at an incredible rate, in fact amazing tools are being invented as you read this. It is for this reason we don’t induce you with a pre-packaged group of yesterday’s tools as other PDR schools may. Instead, we encourage you to select your new PDR tools from the most advanced selection available and we pay the bill.

PDR Training Class Activities
You will learn all about getting behind the dent.
Glue Pulling
There are two ways to repair dents; pushing them up and glue pulling them up when access is not allowed.The glue pulling system is very effective and fun! You will learn all about glue pulling fun!!!
Times are changing and many factories are turning more and more towards aluminum. You will learn all about aluminum repairs and, of course, metal as well. The differences between metal and aluminum are not that drastic. Aluminum is actually nice to work with, its just a minor adjustment in working with two different metals.
Estimating is very automated and simple with a program everyone is using. Mobile Tech RX is a mobile app that is simple to use which we will cover in detail.